Thursday, December 22, 2016

My Liposuction story 3 months post op

Hey everyone!

It's been awhile since I wrote a blog post and time has passed.
In about 3 days it's 3 months post op for me.

am I happy?? Not really...

I didn't see any changes at all. I measured myself and it was the same measurement as last month which means my swelling didn't reduce much?? :/
Or my swelling reduced so much on the month number 2 but I didn't lose any inches?

My thigh lost a total of 3cm in diameter and my arms didn't lose any.

I did notice my arms' shape is getting better but not smaller. I noticed my thigh getting smaller but then somehow not smaller but shape is not getting better.

I will keep watching it. and at the end of the journey I will post pictures for you guys to see.

My Liposuction Story in South Korea (3 weeks post op)

Hey everyone!

I can't believe it's the third week of my liposuction life.

After day 15 I feel like I can go to toilet without any pain and sitting down has been much easier which means going to toilet to pee has been such a breeze these days.

Everyday was pretty much the same and I noticed more of the swelling and bruising go down and I'm pretty happy with the progress.

At week 3 I finally brought in my pressure garment for them to adjust and make it into smaller size. It fits so much better koz the previous garment has become too loose.

So far I havent been able to see much result but when I measure myself it has been steadily going down. I'm pretty happy with the number I saw when I measured myself.